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    Tuesday January 23rd 2001
    The GuestBook 1:27 am-
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    This is a case of ask and though shall receive. After a long sabbatical Mr. Ross shows up in the GuestBook:

    Name: Ross
    where: AA Meeting
    Date: 01/22/01
    Time: 02:36 PM


    Turk what’s new? not much here. working my ass off. Catching up on movies. Saw Scream Two. pretty lame. I thought. But then I thought a Clockwork Orange was funny. I’ve been listening two a lot of eighties music. There’s a radio station out of Madison 105.1 its pretty good. I got the best of Duran Duran cd. I know, I know. I got it mainly for Electric Barbarella. Cool movie that Barbarella. Well that’s all folks. out.

    Jeez, I never did really care for Duran Duran. Scream 2, the Izer’s made me go see that piece of shit. What’s wrong with thinking Clockwork Orange was funny? Isn’t? Yeah I dig Barbarella. I hear they are doing a remake.

    Views: 873
    Thursday January 25th 2001
    Time To Move On 5:10 am-
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    It seems every once in a while I run into someone who inadvertently reminds me of one of my mistakes. It gets me thinking about things I have done. Things I have said. Things I just regret. Things I wish I could snap my fingers and undo. Does anyone else think this way? Or is it just me? I can be a sentimental fool some times.

    I of course spend time thinking about these mistakes. I try to psychoanalyze where and when I made the mistake and what I could have done to correct the mistake. And I can come up with some rational approaches. None of which I did when the mistakes were made. That’s not my way. I shoot first and ask questions later. None of this will make sense to anyone who doesn’t know me. It could even leave those who know me in the dark. This is a hard subject to talk about, because the person involved doesn’t want me to talk about it.

    This person (yeah a girl) and me had a parting of ways. My fault. She later asked me for some help and I was less than civil. I was outright rude and insulting in a way she would be able to pick up. At that point I was a little man. Bruised ego. Stupidity. Whatever you want to call it. I was wrong in the way I handled the situation. I think I did a good enough job that she won’t ever see this. But I just felt like doing this. I have never been good at apologizing. I have only apologized for my action twice in my life. I don’t like being wrong.

    I’m wrong. I wish I could tell her how sorry I am. She never did anything to be at blame for any of what happened. I regret my inadequacies. I didn’t plain for things to happen the way they did. I knew what would happen. It was my own fault. I should have walked away, the moment we became friends. Melodrama. I can only damn her for being her.

    It had to be said. Tom Petty put it this way:

    Time to move on, time to get going
    What lies ahead, I have no way of knowing
    But under my feet, baby, grass is growing
    It’s time to move on, it’s time to get going

    Views: 907
    Friday January 26th 2001
    Beatles One 1:46 am-
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    Well Ross mentioned Duran Duran as recent music he was listening to. I made a reference to Tom Petty last post, so I figured I would continue with the music theme.

    My brother (The Techno Luddite) got me the Beatles One CD for Christmas. Now I have always liked the Beatles. I never owned any of the CD’s. I would always play the Beatles in bars. Ross also likes the Beatles. He has a little bit more knowledge than me on them. One time he did a Beatles tune that I have never heard of at a Karaoke. I can’t remember the name of the tune off the top of my head. But it was a bizarre one. Maybe Mr. Ross can send in the name of the tune. I by the way destroyed A Hard Day’s Night and Yesterday. Or maybe it was Eleanor Rigby.

    The point is, if you have the Beatles One make sure to check out the Beatles Official website. It’s a very cool place. They have background info on the CD and all of the songs on it. It shows the sleeves and labels and tells when the songs were first performed. Just go, there is lots of info.

    Views: 735
    Stat Stuff 3:04 am-
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    I thought this would be cool to let you know. I of course think it’s really cool. Most of these I don’t know who they are. I can guess who a couple of them are. Below is a chart of my hits so far for this month of January. I use Hitbox and it tells me all kinds of stuff. This chart is the top ten domains to hit my site.

    Domain # Of Visitors %
    1. Major ISPs 118 31.55
    2. mhtc.net 9 2.41
    3. k12.il.us 7 1.87
    4. cc.il.us 6 1.60
    5. dialinx.net 5 1.34
    6. mediaone.net 5 1.34
    7. af.mil 4 1.07
    8. shawcable.net 4 1.07
    9. indy.net 3 0.80
    10. level3.net 3 0.80

    The Major ISPs consists of .com, .org, .gov, .edu, etc. A few of these domain’s point back to website to give you an idea where these people are coming from. The third one on this list is my local High School. I know one one kid in school who should be doing his school work, not surfing the net. I of course appreciate the hit.

    You can go and view my stats at Hitbox here.

    Views: 804
    Sunday January 28th 2001
    Super Sunday 9:16 am-
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    Well I’m going over to the Izer’s to watch the Super Bowl. I’m not really a big sports fan. I like to watch football, don’t get me wrong. I just can’t tell you names of the guys on the teams. I don’t know stats. I don’t even have a favorite team. Most of my friends are the complete opposite. Izer, Ross, Rindfliesch they all have that sports knowledge. Rindfliesch more than the others. You ever want to bore me to death just have Rindfliesch talk sports to me. I hope it’s a good game. Anyone have predictions on how the game will go?

    Views: 992
    Monday January 29th 2001
    I’m Brutal 8:53 pm-
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    For no reason, I decided to be really mean. It’s good to let go once in a while. I don’t want to hurt any real people so computer games are a good way to relieve the tension. Roller Coaster Tycoon is what I’m playing in-between games of SE4. Roller Coaster Tycoon is a really fun game. It surprised me. Anyway, I made a huge Coaster and jacked up the MPH. Needless to say my park customers were not to happy.

    Views: 785
    Tuesday January 30th 2001
    This And That 9:16 pm-
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    Just a few things before I go and take a nap. First Ross checked in answering my question about what song he did at Karaoke.

    Name: ross
    Where: the moans of a dieing trekkie
    Date: 01/30/01
    Time: 02:49 PM

    hey turk. the song you ask of I’m not sure. lets rebuild the scene. one song was helter skelter. that’s the one were the chick at the bar told me not to quit my day job. I don’t care who you are, or how many beers you have, if your not Paul McCartney you are going to destroy that one. The second one is ” I am the walrus” you know ” Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe” I think you’re looking for this one. man that was fun night we ruled the stage! I think everyone else was scared. oh well later bro

    I am the walrus. Yep that’s it. Yes we did rule the stage that night. We kicked ass. Note to myself, stay away from Karaoke. Really I’m serious. Some people I know have a tape of me butchering Billy Joel. Scary stuff.

    Also Iggy has had a second installment of Dear Iggy. I may be prejudiced but I think Iggy is doing a great Job. So go and look and maybe even send in something to Iggy.

    Views: 762
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