Iggy is back! It’s been a long time since I heard from my frequent GuestBook contributor. Here’s what she had to say:
Woaaahhh! Someone grab the reins of this runaway horse! What is it with all of the changes to the HO EL? hehe. “So many changes, so little time…Someone grab me another hair wrap please.. this one doesn’t look good on me. I really like Bin Laden’s.. do you think I will look as good in white as he does?” ACK!!! I hear these Paks have taken over the hotel? Les and John are gone..so sad. :( Some of the gossip I heard (I saw a couple of the old gang recently)was that the lady who always reminds me of Mrs. Frankenstein (her hair mind you) ratted on the manger, and then took over the F&B position as her reward? Is this true or what? Fill me in, you didn’t mention too much on your site when I went a ‘browsing. On a sadder note, I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Keep your chin up and your faith strong, as hard as that might be. Many ((((HUGS)))) Coming your way! Iggy
Let me start with the gossip. John quit on his own. He had his reasons. Les got shit canned because of some racial remarks made towards the guy that’s here mismanaging the hotel. Yeah the Bride of Frankenstein sales lady had her hands in that mess. She’s a huge brown nose so it’s no surprise. She didn’t take over F&B. Shit she can’t manage the sales department out of a wet paper bag, so her as the F&B would have been a joke.
As far as the Paks taking over the hotel, well that ain’t exactly true either. We are managed by a company out of Texas. Presumably run by Texans. These boys are just here as overseer’s. Nice enough guys. I got nothing against them. My problem is with how these Texan fucks are running the hotel into the ground.
I got no comment on the white turban. It’s good hearing from you Iggy. My chin is up, because as I said I’m a tough guy.