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    Friday December 21st 2001
    The GuestBook 8:58 pm-
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    I am going to have to tread very carefully here. When I wrote Whatever just a few days ago I never thought something like this would happen. Jesus I don’t even know how to begin.

    I have to admit I have been hoping for this. Despite whatever happened in the past between friends, I’ve hoped I’d hear from lost friends again. This is such a strange case. And this isn’t any of your business. Not this time. I’ve been pretty good at laying my “life” open for all to see. No this time it’s between me and her.

    Here’s Ericka in the GuestBook (wow I haven’t said that in a while):

    What the hell is this disallowed word crap? I wrote you a fucking message, but I am now having to write it fucking over. This really pisses me off. I wrote to you to ask if you knew about the Safehouse in Milwaukee. My boyfriend and some of his friends from school wanna go. You have been there before and I was wondering if you knew the password. Isn’t it something like ‘I have a safe house’? That’s what all the guys are saying but, as any normal woman – I don’t take anything they say as an absolute truth. You can post your answer and I’ll just check back in a few days, or you can e-mail me. Whatever. Also…I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, Betty. I hope your mom is okay. Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    Here’s a point by point to what my favorite redhead had to say. By the way the old GuestBook is back. No censorship.

    What the hell is this disallowed word crap? I wrote you a fucking message, but I am now having to write it fucking over.

    With a wave of my magic wand your cuss words are back!

    I wrote to you to ask if you knew about the Safehouse in Milwaukee. My boyfriend and some of his friends from school wanna go. You have been there before and I was wondering if you knew the password. Isn’t it something like ‘I have a safe house’?

    I honestly never knew the password. You can punch the time clock or even pull the right book off the shelf to get in. That is if it is the same.

    That’s what all the guys are saying but, as any normal woman – I don’t take anything they say as an absolute truth.

    I’ve never thought as you as a normal woman. Unique is the word I would use. But hey that’s just me. What do I know? As far as the truth or even absolute truth? Well the truth hasn’t been something I’ve been good at with you.

    You can post your answer and I’ll just check back in a few days, or you can e-mail me. Whatever. Also…I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, Betty. I hope your mom is okay. Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    Answer posted. If I get the gumption I’ll send you an e-mail. Whatever is what I say. My mom is dealing with it. It is good to hear from you. It really is. I’m sorry things worked out the way they did. Maybe one of these days we can go have a beer. Just as two old friends, that other bullshit… well it’s in the past. Water under the bridge. Just a thought.

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