Hooray! A GuestBook entry, from Mike my Night Audit cohort. Here is what young Mike had to say:
i really enjoyed the story about the FDM, ha! ha! my girlfriend laughed. Anyway, my email is messed up so i am gonna give you my girlfriends instead, um… have a good night at work!
Man I aim to please. At least some of the times. But as my oldman say “you can only please some of the people some time, and jerk the rest off.” Okay that’s not something my oldman has said. Actually it was Robin Williams.
Hey I have a new Poll up over there on the right. The question is what character would you be? The choices are: Doctor Who, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and a Girly Vampire. This Poll is of course an attempt by me to poke some fun at some of these goth peoples.
And if you are one of those goth kinda types I have this to say to you. Don’t get all bent out of shape with anything I say. It’s not worth your time or mine. If you do get bent out of shape send me an e-mail or sign the Guestbook so I can taunt you a second time.