Three years. So here it is, that day that has significance to probably just me. Seeing as it is my day that I have set aside to do my “year in review”. The first order of business would be to read the last two years worth. The Year In Review 1999 and The Year In Review 2000.
This year has been the same. Every year is just about the same for me. I have a well knit group of friends. Friends I wouldn’t trade for anything. And I am the same every year (besides that one summer I couldn’t listen to Billy Joel in my car, that is). The 1999 bit I wrote is a definite list of people I couldn’t do without. The 1999 bit I just can’t top. It really does sum it up.
This post is a departure from the last two years. The last two years were written and posted by 10:30pm. 10:30pm being the time the post I wrote when I had just got fired. This one had to be done in advance. As I stated last time, I’m going out for a beer at the Bop.
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