Hotel management seeking feedback is the link of the day. This BDN headline of course pertains to some of the things I have spoken of time from time. Read the article and note the lies. There are many so be prepared.
First lie:
Once a week, training sessions are held to help employees understand the importance of getting feedback from the people who stay in the hotel and use the restaurant, bar, banquet rooms and meeting rooms…Improving service is a priority.
This is funny because I have yet to get any training. Next we got this one:
“We have to train and coach…”
Here is this putz’s football reference continued. Yeah coach me asshole. And Finally here is the last one and it is a dozy:
However, he didn’t say when a decision whether or not to change the name of the hotel would be made.
Say goodbye to Holiday Inn. It’s gone. Waiting for them to come and take the sign down. I got the camera loaded.