Jeez it’s already October. What happened to September? Changes at the hotel continue to roll in. Nothing major that’s worth talking about here on the main page. A couple more people got fired. Monday is the start of my four days off. And I look forward to my four days off more and more. I have to go to a meeting on Tuesday at the hotel.
I’ve been playing a lot of Pool Of Radiance since I picked it up on the 28th of September. I have been having lots of fun with it. Over at the POR message boards I read how lots of people are having problems with the game. That and all of the bitching about how it doesn’t follow the 3E rules to the tee. I think it’s closer to the pen and paper version. And again I’m having lots of fun with the game.
In fact I’ve been playing this damn game so much I’m behind on my e-mail. Shit I have to get back to work.