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    Monday September 10th 2001
    New Game 3:10 am-
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    I played the demo of a game called Operation Flashpoint today. The only reason I loaded up the demo was because I saw that Best Buy had it on sale for 29.99 and I have been in a kick for 3d graphics. After playing the demo I went and bought this guy.

    Wow. It is a cool game. It’s kind of like Rainbow Six and games of that ilk. But its a tough game and it has great graphics. It’s hard to explain what the game does. So here’s what Tycho from the Penny Arcade had to say:

    I’ve been scared nearly to death. I’ve played plenty of games where I have to shoot guys before guys shoot me, that natural axiom is (by now) staid and familiar. Before Operation Flashpoint, I’d never truly meditated on my actual mortality as I took fire. Never thought about the recipients of my fire as human beings. I’ll probably get better at the game itself, but for now I’m a nervous wreck when shit starts to go down. It’s absolute chaos. Half of my squad had been cut down before I reached the forest, and when I got to the cover of those trees I crawled on my belly and just tried not to die. [Read More]

    That’s how I felt playing it. The back of the box says “as close to war as you ever want to get” and it’s right. And man this ain’t no Quake style game. You take a few hits and it’s game over. If you dig military sims this just may be the game for you. I have a lot of practicing to do.

    Views: 810
    Tuesday September 11th 2001
    Sobo News 2:31 am-
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    Now this is the kind of stuff I like to read in the paper, a little bit in the sports page called Sobos rip `Dogs. My Sobos are 2-1! 2-1!!! I can’t believe it. I knew they would have a winning season again. Now they need to keep this up.

    Views: 862
    Clear On This 3:33 am-
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    Since the hotel I work at is now mentioned three times on the cowboy’s website (here, here, and here) I decided to make a statement on how I feel about them. Just so I’m clear on this.

    I think it is great that such a wonderful company is coming in to manage our hotel. It is a breath of fresh air. Knowing that this company will bring success to the hotel fills me with joy.

    And despite what you may have read elsewhere, I have no problem with the new management. Any references you have read with me making reference to the phrase steers and queers, well disregard all that. We all know what comes from Texas. Wonderful management companies, ok? Not steers and queers.

    Views: 798
    Wednesday September 12th 2001
    Under Attack 2:53 am-
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    What in the hell has been going on today? I don’t think we all realize what has happened. I’ve heard people today on the news make mention of the two words: Pearl Harbor. I think that is right on in describing this situation. But with Pearl Harbor at least we knew who did it. This is so different.

    My generation has never had to witness this kind of horrible event. I’m not to sure what I’m feeling right now. Rage? Disbelief? I’ve seen the footage yet I just wish it wasn’t true. I went to bed around noon today and when I got up I hoped it was some kind of bad dream.

    So what is to be done? What should be done? I’m not the kind of person who is super patriotic. But this brings the latent patriot out of me. And I want vengeance. I think we all want this, don’t we? I don’t care who it is we bomb off the face of this earth, we just need to bomb someone off the face of the earth. Fuck that, we need to send in a whole invasion. Lets make a list and take care of some of these fucks who should have been taken care of a long time ago.

    And sure Bush isn’t one of my peeps. I voted for… well fuck I can’t remember. But it wasn’t Bush or Gore. But now I want Bush to do what his daddy did. And I know he has it in him. If Bush wants a second term he need to do the right thing. Now I don’t want a war. But do we have any other option? Right now we need a target. And I hope we get one.

    Here is my resident Sobo with what he had to say about this event early this morning:

    Name: Sobo
    Date: 09/11/01
    Time: 07:31 AM

    Well I take it that by the time you wake up, you’ll know what happened today. Its a sad moment but now its time for retalliation…if we find out who it was that did this horrible act. My one comment to those terrorists is “show your ugly face and stare the nation in the eye…so we can kill your asses for what you did to us” and if they are a foreign nation, nuke them…unless they have oil..then just go full scale war!…ok i think im ranting and raving now so ill shut up but this stuff makes me mad

    Well I got to get to work. But I have MSNBC (IE6) streaming audio running in the browser. This the first time in a long time that I have been glued to the news.

    Views: 947
    Thursday September 13th 2001
    The Old Owners 4:56 am-
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    So as of six this morning we are under new management. I already covered this. It’s great that we have new owners. To the old owners I have a few things I would like to say.

    You are all fucks. From the owner herself down to the various presidents, vice presidents, and any other management type. You all have your heads up your collective asses. You couldn’t manage your way out of a wet paper bag.

    I will never forget when you bastards fired me. I do thank you for doing that. I have learned much since November 28th 1998. I have met and talked with many lawyers who have told me about the law. I have even had conversations with the fine folks from the ACLU. All though the ACLU contacted me to late, it was very informative talking to them.

    To me you have violated my constitutional rights in a way that I find unforgivable. Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can or can not talk about in public. Whether it be on or off the internet. The First Amendment is one of the most important freedoms we as a people sometime take for granted. The idea of it is even more important after the horrible attack on us by the terrorists on Tuesday. The idea that just because you were offended by what I said is just to bad. Its unfortunate that opinions are covered under these laws.

    In the future I will follow what happens to you as a company. I wish great misfortune on all of you. It all takes time but when you get yours I will hear about it. So once again I say you all can go fuck yourselves. Thank you very much.

    Views: 1,055
    Saturday September 15th 2001
    War! 6:17 am-
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    War, it amazes me. We as a people are at a consensus on something. When was the last time we as a people agreed on something. New Yorkers are helping one another. New Yorkers are some of the most unfriendly people on the face of the earth. The House and Senate are on a consensus:

    “The Senate vote was unanimous, while the House tally was 420-1..” [Read More]

    The fact when you hear people on the tv and on the news calling it “war”. There is no beating around the bush here. We are not making up other terms. This isn’t a police action. It’s not like the Gulf War. I saw the one guy on the news (I think it was a Pentagon briefing) say that it would be a sustained campaign. A sustanined campaign ! So it’s like a matter of time before we go in.

    Views: 838
    Sunday September 16th 2001
    This And That 8:22 am-
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    Well training of the new guy is going well. I showed him the ropes the first day. The last three days since he has been doing all the work. I have been sitting back and obsessively watching and reading anything and everything I can find on the upcoming war.

    Saturday was my 15th day of working in a row. The new schedule is up and guess what? Seven more day’s. I’m so burnt out right now. I’m thinking about how this law may give me a brake. You can read the whole “One Day Rest In Seven Act” law. So by the end of this shit I’ll have about 22 days in a row or more.

    The worse thing is the fact that they have yet to give me a raise for my helping out. Thanks to the law I know I don’t have to do this shit unless I want to. I have not seen my friends or family for at least a week. My Dad who I live with hasn’t seen me in a week at least. I’m getting sick of this shit.

    So I’ve decided to call the Illinios Dept. Of Labor. I got to wait till monday morning. On monday morning they can kiss my ass.

    Views: 836
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