So we had a meeting on the 17th. In this meeting one of the cowboy’s let the employee’s in on what had happened. At six in the morning on 12th we were no longer under the management of the Old Owners. The bank now owns us, with these cowboy fucks managing.
The cowboy that is here did a little speech in which he told us about the wonderful company in which we all work. His speech and the questions he answered were nothing but empty bullshit filled rhetoric.
He then asked al the employee’s to stand up to introduce themselves and to promise to give good service. Everyone of them pussy managers (and peons) stood up and told this fuck what he wanted to hear. When it came my turn I stood up and told him my name and said “I won’t promise anything. I will do my job.” That’s all I can do. We all have our good days and our bad days. I do my job. No more, no less.
The managers are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It’s amazing how this kind of thing can light a fire under their asses. It is funny to note that the GM was fired just a few days later. And the GM was one of those who boisterously promised good service. This new company are bigger fucks than the previous ones.