I continue to enjoy my new computer. I’m running into some time management related problems though. For example, I work the next couple of days. Yet I have been getting little sleep because I have been playing on the new computer.
I also have a back log of PC games I have to get to now that I have the PC to run them. This is another example of not having enough time. Tons of games. Baldurs Gate 2, Tropico, Deus Ex, Red Alert 2, Black And White, Kohan, The Sims, and probably a few others I have yet to play.
I mentioned Max Payne a few posts ago. Cool game if you get into that kind of thing. The graphics are awesome. You do need a hefty system to run it. I will put up some shots of it in action later.
To those of you interested in the inner workings of the site. I have switched from Newspro to Coranto. Newspro was the cgi script I used to use. Coranto is the new version of Newspro. Coranto is more flexible and easier to modify. The comments thing is gone. Not to many people used that feature anyway, I think it’s cool. Coranto doesn’t have a working comments add-on yet. When it’s released I will use it.
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