If you read the site then you know that my old Pentium 166 (no MMX)died on me back on July 16th. I had planned on saving up for a few months and get a new one. But on a lark I decided to stop in to a local computer store. Not a chain, just a mom and pop kind of place.
The prices were awesome. I picked up a case, 256mb of ram, a AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.2gz processor, and a motherboard all for around 400 bucks. Now to me this seems like a good deal. I figured it would cost a hell of a lot more than that.
The guys at the store were really nice. I ordered my parts on monday. And after one motherboard ending up backordered they finally got my stuff yesterday. So I put the thing together. I used my 20 gig hard drive, cd-rom, sound card, and modem from my old computer. I followed the instructions to the letter.
A few hours later I had a killer system that didn’t do a damn thing. Needless to say I’m a little bummed. Shit I’m really crushed by this. I had picked up a Geforce 2 with 64mb of on board ram to add some umph to the graphics and picked up Max Payne. Max Payne is a game with recommended system requirements of at least a 1gz processor for max graphical settings. I had planned to use that as a benchmark for how badass my system was.
I’m hoping the guys at the computer store will be able to help me. It’s just not fair.