Well I must of jinxed myself because I didn’t update the last two days. Most of the reason was due to issues with my pc at home and my isp. My pc’s hard drive decided to start running hot. Really hot. So that kept me from doing anything Sunday. Monday I had different problems. My cd burner was acting funky. So once again I shut down my system in anger. I would have snuck one in late yesterday but I had some connection problems with my isp. My isp problem has continued into the night. I keep getting disconnected. It’s been behaving the last couple of hours.
Has anyone heard about the new Star Trek show that’s coming out in the fall? Well there is going to be a new show. It’s called simply Enterprise. And it takes place before Kirk’s time. I think it sounds like a good idea. But it depends on what happens. If you pick up the new TV Guide you can read about it. TV Guide also has a picture of the new ship. The ship looks to high tech to be before Kirk. That’s my inner fanboy talking. For more info on the new trek show try Trek Today or Section 31. Both of these sites cover trek and let you know about all of the up to date news and rumors.
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