So my little problem just won’t go away. On the laptop I have Netscape 4.7 and it shows the JavaScript menu up top. At home I have a Mozilla version 0.6 based browser. It won’t show the menu. So I just don’t know. I just recently got comfortable with using cgi scripts. This JavaScript stuff is a little harder. Netscape has come out with come out with version 6.1 which is based on Mozilla 0.9.1. I’m going to download these browsers and give them a shot. These minor detail really bug me. Other than that not much is going on.
I did make the mistake of going to see the Tomb Raider movie. The video game to movie curse lives on. I don’t know why I went to it. I don’t even like the computer game series. I guess it was the tits. But I found the tits to be way to bouncy. Special effects gone bad. Really though it was a fucking horrible movie. It’s up there with Wing Commander and Super Mario Brothers. The only game to movie I liked was the first Mortal Kombat flick. Funny how it has raked in the money though?
RovlH rah l M
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