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    Wednesday May 16th 2001
    Sinking Ship 3:30 am-
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    You guys are going to have give me some slack on this. It could go long, seeing how once I get going I have a hard time shutting up. Number of things I want to hit on. Lots of what’s coming is either my opinion or just a base rumor. But I have sat back and watched for long enough. And this spiel is about the hotel not about anything else. So should I start with the rumors or with my opinion?

    Opinion first. My opinion is, well just that. And remember what Harry Callahan says: “opinions are like assholes everyone has one.” Also remember that this is my personal opinion. These are just a few of the things that irritate me.

    First up managers who are to lazy to print up their own reports. Small stuff? I don’t think so. If you are a manager then you make more money than me. You also should be better educated and smarter than me. So the process of printing a report should be trifling for you. Or… and I’m reaching here. Maybe you managers are worth the money your getting paid? Maybe you managers are lazy. Hell it could be a combination of both.

    Next let me just say that an administrative assistant is just a secretary. Ok? Yeah the politically correct version sounds so much better. But don’t forget who you are. Now get me my coffee and pronto or no slap on the ass for you.

    Now let’s cover a very nasty rumor. The hotel is going to be sold. That’s a big one. The only reason I bring it up is because I feel it effects me. New owners are new. They won’t know any of the employee’s. They also won’t put up with say a wise ass punk with a website. Big impact for me. That idea of college is looking like a great move. I’m really starting to think this.

    And again remember this is all my personal opinion. And if you happen to be one of the managers I’m talking about and you read this, I say too fucking bad. You were not invited to the site, piss off.

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