Lets start off with a few links that kind of go hand in hand with the official announcement by Paramount on the new Star Trek series called Enterprise. Scott Bakula will play the captain of the ship. The Fifth Trek series is going to take place before the original Star Trek show. So hopefully it will be good.
Here is a website for the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project. This one is about how NASA is trying to invent the Warp Drive. Also check out Warp Drive- When? This one is done by the Project Manager for NASA’s Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) Project.
Douglas Adams is dead. Douglas Adams was the author of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy books. The guy wasn’t that old. It’s unfortunate. If you like sci-fi and you have my kind of sense of humor check out his books. I highly recommend them. Back in the eighties he even made a pc game out of the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. It was a text based game and it was fun and hard. You can play it here. Watch out though it really is hard.