Pookie signed the GuestBook and had this to say:
Name: Pookie
Email: pookierocks@yahoo.com
Where: a butt buddy
Date: 05/09/01
Time: 10:15 AMComments:
What up! You need to update this shit more often. I only look at it every now and then but you haven’t added shitttttt. You know when you say that you are suspicious of anyone you don’t know… my guess is that you probably know everyone who has ever signed in. Live long & prosper.
Gosh Pookie I don’t know what to say. Really I don’t. This is the first time I had one of you people to sign the GuestBook. I have never had anyone representing the gay community sign in before. Tell your butt buddy thanks for another hit.
But really, I don’t always know all of the people (or whacko’s as I call them) that sign the GuestBook. I can guess. Sometimes they will leave hints. Like you Long Live and Prosper thing. That’s a Star Trek reference. And I have to say that after Secretive I’m a little tired of this whole “guess who I am” bullshit.
Anyway thanks again. I will try to update more often for my gay readers like you Pookie.