I’ve fallen back into my X-Files kick. It’s heating up and the two part season finale is starting next week. I have been going through a cool X-Files Fan Site I found. It’s called Rohan’s X-Files Realm and it has a lot of info to dig through. I have missed a majority of this seasons episodes, so I have been reading the episode guide at the site.
The Mummy Returns was an ok flick. It wasn’t the best movie ever and it won’t replace the Indiana Jones flicks. But it was a fun flick. If you liked the first one then you’ll dig the sequel.
Now that I have talked with a few of you that visit the site, I have to file it under be careful what you wish for you may get it dept. I had a chat with one guy/gal that I considered just a little odd. Another person e-mailed with a one sentence question. You have to understand I’m a very suspicious guy. I want to know who I’m dealing with before I go and give them details. I hope no offense is taken.
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