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    « Previous
    Sunday April 29th 2001
    Easily Irritable 1:00 am-
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    Can you guess? I’m at work. I’m at work and I’m not smoking. It’s going to be tuff. But I’m taking this whole “quit or else” thing kinda seriously. It’s been just about five day’s since I last had a smoke. And it’s at work I smoked the most. It’s the people that really irritate me. Not the guests. I’m talking about the people I work with. From the lady who wants me to put a quarter in a plastic cup every time I cuss to the guy who gets off having a radio and does so every other minute. It’s these people that are going to make it hard staying quit.

    But it’s going to be really hard. The “quit or else” thing is what’s making it work this time. And I’m really going to have to stop going to the bars. Because if I’m going to quit smoking, I’m going to have to quit drinking. And I think about it, it’s not going to be that hard to quit. The bars are boring. I have no fun when I go to the bars. None of my friends do that any more. They are all married and have kids. But that’s ok I think.

    Let’s face it in recent years the only fun I had was because I hung out with some fun young people. I was some how invited into that world for a little while. And I did have lots of fun, make no mistake about it. It has honestly been hard letting go of that time. That’s why “that one girl” was such a big thing for me. I have grown old. And for a while I tried to forget that fact with a couple of potheads. Does that shock anyone?

    You see I felt for awhile that the growing old thing was a bad thing. So I clutched on to what fun I could have. And yeah I smoked me some pot. But I was having fun. Except (and I realized this recently) I’m still having fun. It’s just a different kind of fun. I’m not a teenager any more. Next March I won’t even be in my twenties anymore. And the hitting thirty thing is one of those things I’m scared of.

    Wow this is running long. What’s fun now? Well going with my friends to entertain their kids has turned into a lot of fun. And I get to turn my buddies kids onto some of the things I dig. Which is turning into a lot fun. About four of us are going to the before mentioned Lan Planet and we are going to have some fun. And you know I’m really looking forward to it.

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