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    Tuesday March 13th 2001
    Look Busy 1:47 am-
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    What in the hell does look busy really mean? The reason I ask is I just heard the M.O.D. ask the bellman this. The bellman was sitting in the chair to the left of me doing nothing. Me, I was sitting here surfing the net. Now the bellman had nothing to do, as long as the kid does his job correctly. And the guy on tonight does a good job. The M.O.D. was a newbie, first time up to bat. To me saying “look busy” is the same as the kid telling Neo “there is no spoon.” Ponder that for a while. Then move on to the next paragraph.

    I do understand the concept of looking busy. If “they” are going to be gracious enough to pay us, we should at least look like we are earning it. And that’s really what it boils down to. “They” would sleep easier knowing that we at least pretended to look busy. There is a defiance in not looking busy that must scare “them.” That is the only rational reason I can say. Well that I can say not being a manager. Now from a manager’s small point of view, it would be better for the employee to punch out and go home if they had no work to do. A manager looks after the interests of themselves (first) and then the company (second).

    I’m sorry but that’s really what it comes done to. It’s us against “them.” The managers that have bought into the hard line corporate thinking. That have become nothing but corporate shill’s. It’s the ones that start out at the bottom and work their way up, and then forget where they came from. It’s those managers I hate the most.

    As usual I’ll ask for some outside explanations which can be sent to @hotelblues.com.

    YHTnt V nS PLu
    Views: 913
    Thursday March 15th 2001
    Pimping The Forum 6:48 am-
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    It’s amazing that when I point out that there is a Forum, that people join. So this is a cheap attempt to pimp my Forum again. And while we are at it let me say “quick look behind you it’s Santa Claus!” Sorry I couldn’t help that. So as I said last time I would like to replace the GuestBook with the Forum. I won’t eliminate the GuestBook right away, but it’s something I would like to do. I think so much more can be done with the Forum. It’s more interactive than a GuestBook. At least that’s how I feel about it.

    I also have a movie recommendation. If you have not seen The Contender yet, make sure to go out and rent it. It was an excellent film. I highly recommend it. The whole point of the movie is the trouble a woman gets into after she is nominated as Vice President. Joan Allen plays the woman and does a superb job. Gary Oldman sneaks in the movie playing a McCarthy-like asshole who is out to get her. There is more to it than that, but you just have to see it. I think a lot of it deals with how out of control Political Correctness has grown.

    I also loved Jeff Bridges as the President. He was wild. Bridges would scream out loud just for effect. Goofy. Still a great movie.

    Views: 807
    I Forgot 1:40 pm-
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    Wow I feel really stupid. Me being a huge Shakespeare fan and forgetting this is the Ides of march. Really I feel dumb. Also I saw over at Blue’s a funny spin on this “All your base are belong to us” thing. I personally did not find the original to humorous. Hence the reason there is no link to that crap. But here is a funny twist on it. And I really felt this was clever. All your Calvin are belongs to us!

    That’s it. Beware the Ides of March and all that shit! Also check out the Forum which has become more like the style of my pages.

    Views: 856
    Sunday March 18th 2001
    Stupid 2:00 pm-
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    What can I say? Other than what I have said before. And again. And here also. Some of the questions asked before happened to be answered tonight. More of that later. Mr. Izer answered part with this. Now back to the questions of what I would say? Well the answer is nothing. Running in to “that one girl” had to be the most claustrophobic experience of my life. I walked in to The Bop and saw a girl I knew. I said hi and she looks over behind me and says “hey it’s that one girl.” I manage to say something along the lines of “oh shit” in utter terror.

    So I dive to the bar and order a MGD and a shot. Brave man, huh? I acted like a dog with my tail between my legs. Thoughts of question or things I would say to her just disappear out of my mind. I’m just wishing that there was a back door out of the place. So I am the biggest loser of all time. Or I’m only human? I feel like a bad guy. Like some loser. Fuck last night was horrible. Because of me, just to clarify.

    So in a perfect world what could I have said? Well in a perfect world I wouldn’t have acted like coward. I would have walked up to her and said “hi, how are you?” In a perfect world I could have commented on how nice she looked. I could have asked her what she thought about the movie The Contender. Or were you Secretive? That would have been a good question.

    This isn’t a perfect world. My dad likes to remind me of that. The past was the past. As of right now I quit drinking. Or I should say I quit drinking in bars. Done. I don’t ever want that to happen again. If only I wasn’t such a puss. Friends come and go, simple as that. Anyway she is someone else now. The person I knew exists seven months ago. And I was someone else seven months ago.

    The will is there, but the words are just not to be found. I wish I could start over. Hi how are you? You look nice. I’m sorry. Can I buy you a beer?

    And just take it from there.

    Views: 981
    Monday March 19th 2001
    More Obsessions 2:28 pm-
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    The Big Guy & Rusty is one of my current obsessions. I just love this cartoon. It’s based on a Dark Horse Comic of the same name. The comic was created by Frank Miller and Geof Darrow. Miller is a comics veteran. He did a classic stint on Marvel’s Daredevil and the DC The Dark Knight Returns. Darrow’s art is amazing to look at, and the cartoon captures his attention to detail. The cartoon is playing on Fox Kids on Fox. I highly recommend it if your into cartoons about big robots and monsters.

    I know I swore off bars last time, but I would like to point out a place called McClintock Brewery and Grill. On the 27th of this month, this is the place you will find me. Why? Because of the Birthday Club. On your Birthday you receive a commemorative beer glass and drink free all day. I missed out on this last year, and don’t plan on paying for beer this time.

    Other than that the Birthday plans are the usual. Dinner with the Izers, maybe a movie after words. We may even go and see the Julia Roberts movie The Mexican, just so we stay in the theme of things set last year. Erin Brochivich was a good flick and I hope Julia get the Oscar nod.

    Views: 920
    Tuesday March 20th 2001
    Vacation 8:47 am-
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    It should be noted that starting on March 23rd through April 3rd. That’s twelve whole days away from the hotel! I can’t wait. Hopefully I will be able to trek up to see the Ross’s. I also plan on making a stop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to see a few people up there. That’s the extent of plans as of now.

    Views: 784
    Wednesday March 21st 2001
    What The Fuck? 5:00 am-
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    A few things right off the bat. First just a number of days to my twenty ninth birthday. Still have yet to nail down a date for me and the Isley’s yearly b-day diner. I am going to have to get a hold of Ross for when would be a good time to come up. Then I need to arrange my trip to Milwaukee.

    Here’s the reason for the profanity, I have been asked to do MOD more. I’m not talking about my third shift stint when I’m the only person here. “They” want me to do the second shift MOD. That means I’m really in charge. So let me make sure I have my facts right, ok? I have a total disregard for authority. I believe rules are made to be broken. I don’t really care for the whole hospitality industry. I don’t even like most of the guests. I care even less for most of my fellow employee’s.

    Under the previous GM I did a second shift MOD only once. He never let me do it again. The new guy has me scheduled for 3 nights in the month of April. Now either the new GM really sees how good I am? Or… Well I can’t really think of another reason. I just don’t get it. Now don’t get me wrong. I think this is really cool, that the new GM is letting step up to bat. I just wonder the motivation here.

    So on April 2, 18, and 26 come down and I’ll buy you a beer.

    tzZaOSZhKj a FABvJ
    Views: 630
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