What in the hell does look busy really mean? The reason I ask is I just heard the M.O.D. ask the bellman this. The bellman was sitting in the chair to the left of me doing nothing. Me, I was sitting here surfing the net. Now the bellman had nothing to do, as long as the kid does his job correctly. And the guy on tonight does a good job. The M.O.D. was a newbie, first time up to bat. To me saying “look busy” is the same as the kid telling Neo “there is no spoon.” Ponder that for a while. Then move on to the next paragraph.
I do understand the concept of looking busy. If “they” are going to be gracious enough to pay us, we should at least look like we are earning it. And that’s really what it boils down to. “They” would sleep easier knowing that we at least pretended to look busy. There is a defiance in not looking busy that must scare “them.” That is the only rational reason I can say. Well that I can say not being a manager. Now from a manager’s small point of view, it would be better for the employee to punch out and go home if they had no work to do. A manager looks after the interests of themselves (first) and then the company (second).
I’m sorry but that’s really what it comes done to. It’s us against “them.” The managers that have bought into the hard line corporate thinking. That have become nothing but corporate shill’s. It’s the ones that start out at the bottom and work their way up, and then forget where they came from. It’s those managers I hate the most.
As usual I’ll ask for some outside explanations which can be sent to @hotelblues.com.