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    Tuesday March 6th 2001
    My Average Night Part Two 1:15 am-
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    I left of around midnight or one, depending on if it is a weekday or a weekend. Really balancing everything takes just about ten minutes. This is under optimum conditions. That is if the Front Desk crew did everything the way they are supposed to do things. A lot of times they screw the pooch on credit cards and balancing direct bills. Now this may take some time it depends on how bad the Front Desk screwed up. But even this will take no more than a hour. So for a time frame point of view I always start the audit at either 12:35 (last bus) or as soon as the bar closes (one or two).

    The actual Audit process is done by the computer. The most interaction I deal with is switching the back up tapes. Really hard. The Audit takes just about two hours start to finish. And those two hours I am of course surfing the net. Generally during this time of night I have no customer interaction. Once the Audit is done I print two sets of reports. One set is all of the essential reports I need to fill out my simple little audit report. The other set of reports are for lazy managers (who despite having computer access to the actual function of printing these report) that are just to lazy or incompetent to print the reports themselves.

    The reports take about an hour or less. The time now is about three in the morning. The Audit usually finishes around two and another hour for the reports. Now from three until eight when I leave all I have to do is fill out the daily. A simple worksheet that takes five minutes tops. Once again I’m surfing the web. How do you think I got my redesign done? At work. Most of all of my posts are done at work. I can’t remember the last time I did an update from home. Doing this at work is just more convenient for me.

    And that’s just about it. I do put all of the paperwork and reports into a big envelope and put over by the accountants door. In the morning I do have to deal with guests. But again its not a big deal. I punch out at eight or later if I’m milking the clock and then I get the hell out of the hotel. And that’s my average night.

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