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    Wednesday February 21st 2001
    The Onliest One 11:00 am-
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    Well it’s GuestBook time again. This time one of Disney’s beloved characters stopped in to chat with me. This is my first cartoon character so I will try to be nice (damn I was hoping for Bravo). Here’s what Tigger had to say, broken down of course:

    Ah, The Drama. That’s what I said when I finished reading the site. Why the hell do you let people make you feel bad? Who cares what you write on your web page? What’s the point, if you have to keep apologizing all the time.

    Consider it a diplomatic function and nothing else. I don’t apologize for everything. I only apologized once when I really meant it and was not just being diplomatic.

    Anyway, I didn’t drop by to lecture. I wanted to say hello. Apparently you’ve been contemplating the obstinate and overwhelming control of our government. I wanted to share my thoughts on the government. Their purpose is to maintain justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common welfare, and if you are still reading this I am kinda quoting the Preamble. I’m just fooling with you. I have no opinions of any importance.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Well if you are still reading I’m directly quoting from a little ting called the First Amendment. And I happen to take this stuff seriously.

    I have no opinions of any importance.

    That’s to bad you feel like that Tigger. Of course he was just trying to soften the blow of his next comments:

    I do believe that one day they will force us to have chips implanted into our heads that communicate with a big computer down in Washington. the chip will tell Washington when we swear, when we belittle the president, and alert them to the frequency of our bathroom breaks. That’s why I’m moving out, man. I figure that at the rate that I am going, I’ll be ready to flee to Canada by time I’m 30. We’ll see. Nice talking to you, Turk.

    Well all I can say to you on this Tigger is “Good luck, eh Canuck!” Or maybe “see ya there when I arrive eh.” Anyway have you heard about this Government Program previously known as Carnivore? It will let the FBI get in to our e-mail. Stop Carnivore before we all go north.

    Wow my first conspiracy theory nut. Cool.

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