It’s been slow here on my little chunk of the net. It seems I have made the owner of A day in the life of a Crackwhore mad at me. I put up her comments regarding the Bonsaikitten.com website. I didn’t ask her permission to post her remarks and I apologize for that. I also don’t have any ill will towards her for her opinion on the subject.
Now I don’t care if someone wants to take my words all I can say is go for it! Help yourself. For that matter, if you want run a website with the name go for it. Last time I checked www.hotelblues.net and www.hotelblues.org are open for someone to purchase. I will even let you use my layout if you want. People take this all to seriously.
Anyway it has been really quiet. No GuestBook entries from Secretive. So everything is back to normal. Normal of course not really the “normal” most people expect from the word. Quiet is good. It keeps me out of trouble. Sherry drop me a line, because I don’t want you to be mad at me. Ok? The Bonsaikitten.com link came at a bad time, and my response meter was set at piss everyone off at once. Again I’m sorry.