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  • Friday February 9th 2001
    The GuestBook 1:38 am-
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    I had a No Name sign the GuestBook again. This one was short and to the point:

    If you know this girl, why don’t you call her?

    If I know the girl why don’t I call her? Yeah that’s a good question. I don’t know. Maybe because I’m just a little bit scared to do so. And really what would I say? Anything I would have to say, is nothing she wants to hear. Izer knows what I’m talking about and I can admit nothing. Not to myself or to anyone else.

    So maybe it’s best that she doesn’t stop by the site anymore. I sounded stupid on the post on the 7th. Maybe Secretive wasn’t even her. Maybe it was just someone trying to get me going. And maybe they succeeded. She makes me weak, and I don’t like the feeling. My macho ego and all.

    No, it’s best to leave it alone. This whole thing is ridiculous. A half of year has gone by, and this is all over some friends who parted ways. It happens. Granted I can’t say the right thing to her. Izer got it right with the git reference. I feel like a Hugh Grant character. Repeating “bugger” over and over. That and “bullocks.”

    Let’s wrap this up. Anyone who knows what this is all about re-read January 25th post called Time To Move On. And consider this a dead and taboo subject. And once more I say that’s all I got to say about that in my best Forrest Gump voice.

    And we have Adrian who signed the GuestBook once more:

    Name: Adrian
    Where: the last words of my friend
    Date: 02/08/01
    Time: 12:02 PM


    Hey Turk, how is it going? fine here. Well, its official, I’m going out with Tara. we were going out to the movies last night, but due to the fact that we both had no car, we couldn’t go. Well, gotta go there’s some crazy girl standing behind me in class reading this. OUCH! she just hit me. See ya.

    Congratulations Adrian. And good luck. Tell Mr. Peterson I said hi. Better yet tell him Mayo said hi and see if he gets it.

    Views: 1,360
    Bullshit! 6:43 am-
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    On January 18th I wrote a bit called Raise Me Up. In it I talked about me getting a raise. I talked about a good friend, who didn’t get nothing but jack and shit from them. This guy is the nicest person I have ever met. He doesn’t talk back or start anti-hotel website’s. We will call him Stan Lee after the great Marvel Comics writer.

    Stan Lee gets fucked all the time. People walk right over Stan Lee because of the fact he is a nice guy. Now this is bullshit. Stan Lee has a wife and kid. So his job is important to him. To me if you fuck with his hours, well your fucking with his family. And this is what “they” did. To some of you losing a hour off each day may not be a big deal. Well to Stan Lee it is a big deal. Jesus this really pisses me off.

    Ok so “they” cut his hour? Big deal! That’s what your thinking right? Well to top it off they went and added to Stan Lee’s workload. See this is the kind of stuff (I didn’t say shit) I’m talking about. In the old day’s of this site I would cal “them” cocksuckers because of tactics like this. But since this is the “new” Hotel Blues I’ll just say they are naughty people. See I’ve matured (Cocksuckers!).

    So I guess my question is why do “they” do this? “They” know Stan Lee has a family. A family he needs to make sure they (not “they”) have a roof over their heads and food to feed them. Please, someone explain this to me. I know some of you come here by way of www.ishouldbeworking.com. Do any of you have a good answer for me? And I want a good answer, not some corporate propaganda bullshit.

    Views: 1,038
    February 2001
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