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  • Friday January 26th 2001
    Beatles One 1:46 am-
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    Well Ross mentioned Duran Duran as recent music he was listening to. I made a reference to Tom Petty last post, so I figured I would continue with the music theme.

    My brother (The Techno Luddite) got me the Beatles One CD for Christmas. Now I have always liked the Beatles. I never owned any of the CD’s. I would always play the Beatles in bars. Ross also likes the Beatles. He has a little bit more knowledge than me on them. One time he did a Beatles tune that I have never heard of at a Karaoke. I can’t remember the name of the tune off the top of my head. But it was a bizarre one. Maybe Mr. Ross can send in the name of the tune. I by the way destroyed A Hard Day’s Night and Yesterday. Or maybe it was Eleanor Rigby.

    The point is, if you have the Beatles One make sure to check out the Beatles Official website. It’s a very cool place. They have background info on the CD and all of the songs on it. It shows the sleeves and labels and tells when the songs were first performed. Just go, there is lots of info.

    Views: 735
    Stat Stuff 3:04 am-
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    I thought this would be cool to let you know. I of course think it’s really cool. Most of these I don’t know who they are. I can guess who a couple of them are. Below is a chart of my hits so far for this month of January. I use Hitbox and it tells me all kinds of stuff. This chart is the top ten domains to hit my site.

    Domain # Of Visitors %
    1. Major ISPs 118 31.55
    2. mhtc.net 9 2.41
    3. k12.il.us 7 1.87
    4. cc.il.us 6 1.60
    5. dialinx.net 5 1.34
    6. mediaone.net 5 1.34
    7. af.mil 4 1.07
    8. shawcable.net 4 1.07
    9. indy.net 3 0.80
    10. level3.net 3 0.80

    The Major ISPs consists of .com, .org, .gov, .edu, etc. A few of these domain’s point back to website to give you an idea where these people are coming from. The third one on this list is my local High School. I know one one kid in school who should be doing his school work, not surfing the net. I of course appreciate the hit.

    You can go and view my stats at Hitbox here.

    Views: 804
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