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    Monday December 11th 2000
    Long Time 1:23 pm-
    Categories Sergei Permalink Permalink
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    Ok so I have been sitting on my duff. Assface took the wind out of my sales. So of you may ask what I have been doing? Not much would be the answer. I have been playing Space Empires IV and Generations more than humanly possible. Anyhoo.

    Iggy stopped by again, this time commenting on the Assface situation. It should be said that I’m not certain I even know Assface. So Iggy’s comments are based on an assumption of mine that this Assface is Sergei. And that is a long story. Whew!

    Just dropped in to say HI! Where is the Dear Iggy Column? LOL hehe HEY Concerning ASSFACE.. I want to personally thank him for the beautiful poinsettia that I got from PAPA JOHNS for being one of their top 200 customers! Woo Hoo! NOW Assface, I have to tell ya, you have definitely made the move buddy to Bigger and Better things.. Poinsettia.. wow…Pizza delivery. wow.. So if you are still working there (I bet not, only BORING people know how to keep jobs) and the next time you come to my house, I will make sure to give you that extra .25 for a job well done in my sincerest appreciation for the Poinsettia! Psst.. hey I hear that Pizza Hut is moving up in the world. You ought to give them a try.. I wonder if they will send you to my house with a poinsettia too? hahahahaha

    Ok So here’s the official announcement. Iggy is going to do an advice column. So if anyone feels like asking Iggy for advice send you questions or comments to iggy@hotelblues.com. It’s all up to you now Iggy.

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