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    Friday April 28th 2000
    Obsessions 1 11:30 am-
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    I spoke of obsessions a few post back and wanted to mention another one. I am obsessed by the movie Beautiful Girls. I can’t put my finger on just what it is about the flick that I’m obsessed with. I just love the movie. Timothy Hutton, Michael Rappaport, and a few others are in it. Hutton is excellent in the movie. Natalie Portman is in it also. Rappaport’s character in it is just one of those guys that I would immediately like. Just a strange guy. The guy he plays is obsessed with supermodels. He does this bit were he explains himself to Hutton’s character. It goes like this:

    The super models are beautiful girls.
    A beautiful girl could make you dizzy, like you been drinking jack and coke all morning. She can make you feel high.

    Full of the single greatest commodity known to man, promise. The promise of a better day, the promise of a greater hope. The promise of a new tomorrow.

    This particular ore.. can be found in the gate of a beautiful girl. In her smile, in her soul, and in the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like its gonna be ok.

    The super model that’s all they are, bottled promise. Scenes from a brand new day. Hope dancing in stiletto heels.

    A beautiful girl is all powerful and that is as good as love.

    And heck for some reason I just like that the bit.

    Views: 961
    Saturday April 29th 2000
    Karstaedt Checks In 5:02 pm-
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    I saw Kevin and Chris Karstaedt at Applebee’s the other day, and I harassed Karstaedt into going to my website. Karstaedt left this message in the GuestBook:

    Hey Turk, the FBI is not going to come after me for checking out your web site, right? This web site is pretty interesting. Maybe that picture of Kevin may find its way on here or not. That preacher needs to get a life. There is nothing more annoying than someone trying to press their religious beliefs on to other people. That guy needs to save himself. Talk to you later.

    He added that he didn’t hear about the site from “pw Kevin.” I won’t comment on that seeing how Kevin has dirt on me (kinda).

    Views: 926
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