Well all kinds of interesting things have been going on here in the web world and also back in the real world. I have had a tremendous boost in hits thanks to those fine people at www.ishouldbeworking.com who you go and see by the way. I went from a meager following of three people (and you know who you are) to almost an average of 60 hits a day. I forgot to put up a link to the www.ishouldbeworking.com link page I’m on. I’m at the top of the page for now. So that’s pretty cool. The only bad thing is if I’m going to actually get people who keep coming back I’m going to have to do more than one update a month as my schedule has been the last couple of months. So I’m working on that. I should have a new installment of the Management Memoirs done soon, I’m just waiting on some editorial help that a friend said they would do.
I’m also kicking around an idea to start a sort of guest commentary page. Another suggestion from my editor friend. So if you are bored and want to write anything, it doesn’t have to be about hotels or anything just something interesting or hell even something not interesting. I would like some more people to get involved in this just send to me. The e-mail address is @hotelblues.com. I also have a few people that write stuff every once in a while. So I’m hoping to hear from my old bud Sergei Fedorov one of these days. So write in.
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