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  • Monday January 17th 2000
    The Real World 6:21 am-
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    Well all kinds of interesting things have been going on here in the web world and also back in the real world. I have had a tremendous boost in hits thanks to those fine people at www.ishouldbeworking.com who you go and see by the way. I went from a meager following of three people (and you know who you are) to almost an average of 60 hits a day. I forgot to put up a link to the www.ishouldbeworking.com link page I’m on. I’m at the top of the page for now. So that’s pretty cool. The only bad thing is if I’m going to actually get people who keep coming back I’m going to have to do more than one update a month as my schedule has been the last couple of months. So I’m working on that. I should have a new installment of the Management Memoirs done soon, I’m just waiting on some editorial help that a friend said they would do.

    I’m also kicking around an idea to start a sort of guest commentary page. Another suggestion from my editor friend. So if you are bored and want to write anything, it doesn’t have to be about hotels or anything just something interesting or hell even something not interesting. I would like some more people to get involved in this just send to me. The e-mail address is @hotelblues.com. I also have a few people that write stuff every once in a while. So I’m hoping to hear from my old bud Sergei Fedorov one of these days. So write in.

    Views: 1,070
    Saturday January 22nd 2000
    Back To School 10:46 am-
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    I made a trip down to my old high school today. I have not been back for almost a year. I like to go back every once in a while just to see the few teachers I liked. It’s weird to go back there, the school has changed. The main reason I went back was to go and see my old Football Coach who also doubles as a History teacher. Mr. Peterson started when my class were freshman so I think we got to know him better than the rest of the teachers we had. It was like we started high school together in a way.

    While I was sitting there talking to him, I for some reason couldn’t help but think of this one time around my freshman/sophomore year when I was out for basketball. It was at practice and someone came and told Mr. Peterson some bad news. I really don’t remember who told him or if he came to practice knowing this bad news. So any way we had been doing some running drills or something and Fago had falling down and twisted his ankle or some shit like that. So Peterson gave me his keys to go and get bandages and stuff like that. Keep in mind the keys were not only to the coaches office but his keys to his car and home. The varsity coach was leaving to go home around this time so Peterson stressed not to forget to bring the keys back up.

    And of course I forgot the keys down in the office, which I made sure was locked when I came back up. Well he took care of Fago and then asked for his keys. This was when I figured out I left them down in the office. Without sounding as if Peterson was a bad guy He quite frankly snapped. He was pissed. I remember that his face got as red as can be. He told me to go and do stairs. That’s when you run up the stairs and then back down the stairs and repeat. Now under normal circumstances I hate doing stairs. But he was so mad that I obliged him no problem. In fact after he had cooled down and explained what had happened he told me to stop doing the stairs. I clearly remember telling him “That’s ok Coach I’ll just keep doing stairs.”

    You see his uncle or aunt had passed away and he took it pretty hard. But when Peterson told you to do something you did it. There was no smart mouthing or any of that shit. I think (and I’m not a coaching expert) that those ten years ago when my class was in school still, discipline was something we believed in. And I admit that I didn’t really care to much about discipline in the classroom. But for sports I really believe it means something. I don’t claim to know what the football coach for South Beloit is like now but I do know that their record is zero wins. We had a winning record back in the day. My last to years in school is what I’m talking about. And I think it had a lot to do with the coaches we had. You figure out who coached at that time.

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    January 2000
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