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    Sunday February 21st 1999
    Boldly Go 12:45 am-
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    First here’s a warning to anyone bored with my ramblings of PC games and sci-fi related stuff. If this kind of material does not bother you read on.

    Ok anyone who has read the site for a while knows I like computer games. And anyone who knows me personally can tell you I love Star Trek. So it is only natural I would write about this game. this is a game coming out this march. Its being developed by a group called Quicksilver. And will be put out by Interplay. It will be a game that simulates the experience of starship combat as shown in Wraith Of Kahn. The ships will handle like big ass starships not like jet fighters. Which was one of the reasons I didn’t like Starfleet Academy. If you are familiar computer games this one will not be like flight simulators. This game is going to be more of a tactical sim. In fact if you have been a trekkie for a while you might have heard of Starfleet Battles. This was a classic wargame set in the Star Trek world. It didn’t mess around with anything other than starships duking it out. Well this game is based on that game.

    If you have a 3d card it will make the graphics look pretty. But a 3d card is not required. If anyone wants any more info you can go to a website called YnrohKeeg’s Star Trek Gaming Central. Click on these screenshots for a bigger picture.

    Views: 800
    Tuesday February 23rd 1999
    This And That 7:32 pm-
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    Well besides trying to rescue a really old Sobo Football cap from falling apart. It is so bad. This is a hat I have thrown up in twice. Ughh. Nasty, huh? Other than that I really have not been up to much. I did make a stop to the temp agency. They don’t have any gigs for me.

    My old chum, Sarah , checked in recently with this to say in the GuestBook:

    Hey there, It’s been so long since I have checked out your site. I could say I have been busy, but that is a pretty sad excuse. I am glad to see you have kept up with the page, hopefully employment will be in the near future. You should stop by this week Tue-Fri and chat if you are awake in the middle of the night. I’ll see you later. Take care!

    I probably will stop in and see her, seeing how I am up all night. The last time I was in there I didn’t get asked to leave or anything like that. So what the hell.

    Also my good bud Sergei Fedorov has recommended the book “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” to me. I didn’t find that title at my dads. But I did find “The Autumn Of The Patriarch” also by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I ordered the other book from the library. The “The Autumn Of The Patriarch” is a little hard to read because it is one big paragraph. Which I find hard because you don’t know where to stop.

    Views: 714
    Thursday February 25th 1999
    Corrupting School Children 10:32 am-
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    Well I’m off to corrupt a bunch of school children. My good friend Stanley had called a while ago to ask me to go to his sons school for special person day. My first question to him was why he could not find a better role model for his son. I then suggested that my good friend Mr Izer be a more likely candidate. But for some reason this great kid has his heart set on Uncle Turk. All I can do is make Tazmanian Devil noises. I hope its a phase and the little guy will grow out of it. I have to go and clean out my car. And at the least if I don’t get the whole car, the passenger side.

    mIA RZzzf
    Views: 759
    Friday February 26th 1999
    Link Of The Day 12:07 am-
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    Well I was surfing around and found a website to the ™©Hotel Turk used to work for. If you are bored and want a really good laugh point your browses here. On the good side and I say this because Turk has people he knows that works there still, the ™©Hotel has finally won a Quality PerformerSM Designator . The ™©Hotel received the Commendable rating. Which I will point out is not Excellent. Instead of a bright and shiny picture they get a ugly black and white thing. I would put the picture’s on the site, but I fear the big ™©Hotel would sue our ass off.

    Back to their pitiful excuse for a website. It would be ok if they actually had information a person could use. I don’t really know why it is like that. For almost every category on their website you received a message telling you:

    Sorry, no Guest Room Amenity information is available!
    Sorry, no Recreational Facility information is available!
    Sorry, no Personal Services information is available!
    Sorry, no Business Services information is available!
    Sorry, no Restaurant information is available!
    Sorry, no Video Conferencing information is available!
    Sorry, no Shuttle information is available!
    Sorry, no Local Attraction information is available!

    The only information they want to give you is this:

    Area Airport Information
    Rockford Illinois (RFD)
    Distance: 20 MI
    Chicago O Hare (ORD)
    Distance: 60 MI

    They also are gracious enough to give you driving directions. Over all I have to say the whole thing is a waste of space on the ™©Hotel server. And if you think I am making any of this up go and follow the link for your self. Its here. Would you stay at a ™©Hotel that offered that kind of information about itself?

    RRjnqpWeT ClTVD
    Views: 806
    Monday March 1st 1999
    Three Months 3:00 pm-
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    Wow here it is three whole months of unemployment. I hope that march brings a job. March also brings my 27th birthday. I really don’t have a lot to say. So that’s it for today.

    Views: 806
    Tuesday March 2nd 1999
    X-Files Stuff 6:52 pm-
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    I spared Sergei yesterday by not talking about Sunday’s X-Files episode. But, alas I can’t continue this. I’m looking forward to this episode coming up. And yes I do know that I’m a geek. Anyway this episode coming up Mulder and Scully act as Husband and wife for a case. I think it will be funny. And get this, their names will be Rob and Laura. Very funny. And for those of you who don’t get it. Its homage to the Dick Van Dyke Show. Welcome to Hell, suburban style! In a subdivision where the neighbors really go overboard keeping the place neat and tidy. Two words … garbage monsters. So check out the X-Files Sunday at 8:00pm.

    And I hate to get off the subject of the X-Files. I just might have a job. I have a resume now, so area business look out. You may not know this about me, but I really hate resume’s. The idea that one piece of paper can give a person the correct look at my talents and abilities is utter bullshit. But, it seems to get a job one must have one of these damned things. When I feel a little more motivated I will put up my “resume” for everyone to have a laugh at.

    Views: 838
    Wednesday March 3rd 1999
    Blowing Steam 4:53 am-
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    I would first like to say hello to a friend I have not seen in a long time. More importantly I would like to remind this friend how little that you are missing by not working at the Hotel. I realize that unemployment brings problems that I surely couldn’t handle, however I sometimes am very jealous of you buddy. My reasons for wishing that I didn’t work there are numerous yet I find it harder and harder to tell the asshole management in that hotel where they can stick it. I might personally e-mail you to enlighten you about these bastards but for now I am content with voicing my concerns anonymously via your GuestBook. I am grateful to you for creating this page. We will talk soon. A friend.

    eW AdyWpF
    Views: 885
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