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    Sunday February 7th 1999
    Gaming Good And Bad 1:30 am-
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    Well besides trying to find a job, I have been playing a few computer games. The one I have talked about before. Which is the first picture. My Half-Life multiplayer experience went pretty bad. I had a lot of lag. And that can kill the fun of playing online. The second and third pic are from a little game called Baldur’s Gate. Its an attempt to bring the classic AD&D pen and paper rule set to the computer. It is a truly awesome game. It is really fun to play and to create a character. The first BG pic is me after I went on a rampage and killed everyone in the bar. Hey my character is chaotic evil I was just playing my character. The second BG pic is what me and Troy got every time we tried to play modem to modem. That problem has been fixed in the patch that was released a couple of days ago. Really if you can get into role-playing games this is the one for you.

    Views: 1,031
    Goings On 3:31 pm-
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    Today maybe the day I become an un-official uncle. The Izer’s have been expecting for a while now a fresh newborn. But every day I call and ask if the little bundle of joy has shown up yet I get a no not yet. So hopefully it’s today. I will have a new youngster to corrupt. Heh.

    Also I go back to the temp agency today for tests or something. I think they want me to jump through some hoops. So I will be having all kinds of fun.

    Views: 841
    Thursday February 11th 1999
    X-Files, X-Files, X-Files!!! 7:14 pm-
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    Heh, this one is for Sergie. Its X-Files day. Everyone be at their tv’s at 8:00pm sharp. This is supposed to be the big one, telling the how and why of the big secrets. Like who the cigarette smoking man is? What really happened to Mulder’s sister? So if your like me you will be stuck in front of the tv watching the X-Files.

    Views: 982
    Friday February 12th 1999
    More X-Files, X-Files, X-Files!!! 1:14 am-
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    Wow. What can I say? It was a great episode. It looks like Chris Carter and his co-horts may actually give us a few answer here. It also looks like that slimy piece of shit Jeffrey Spender just might turn out to be ok. I think Mulder was rather smooth in turning down Spenders “offer” for help. Of course we all have to wait till next Sunday to see if the questions are really answered. Or if we are just getting jerked around.

    Views: 736
    This And That 3:30 am-
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    I was doing some of the maintenance stuff here at HOTELBLUES.COM and I realized I just made my tenth archive of this main page here. That’s a lot of me and my bad attitude. That is a lot of shit to go through. Of course I don’t know why you would want to. But its all there. I was at my second temp agency meeting where they made me jump through hoops like I had feared. Anyway again I was asked to explain why I was fired. One of my readers had this to say about my telling the truth about the website to the people asking:

    One piece of advice when you go for a job lie, tell them what they want to hear because in truth they never give a damn about a real person.

    But, as always I have a point coming here so hold on. I realized because of the Izer’s incoming little one that I kinda like talking about the site because I look at as my little bastard child. I really love telling people about my website. I smile when I talk about it. Even though I was fired because of this site I don’t regret a thing. That’s why I keep it going. This is the only thing I do that keeps me going. I once was an artist (if you call it that). Now I don’t do anything with my art. I tell people that I lost my muse. Well this website is my art now. I found a new muse. If you don’t know what a muse is you should read more.

    What else? Oh yeah I wanted to say hi to anyone who may be hitting this page off of Pia’s website. Which I will again plug because that was one of the cool episode of this site existence. Pia’s site is called PJKNFHHJK. Now the majority of her site is in Finnish but hey its cool just to look at. And I love seeing my sites name and some stuff written in Finnish. Its cool. This is what Pia has to say about me and my site:

    sisältää viehättävän kokonaiuuden nimeltä Harpy World. Sivujen ylläpitäjä Turk on myös oivaltanut Harpyian uljauden, sillä hänen sivuillaan esiintyvät naiset ovat kautta linjan voimakastahtoisia, huumorintajuisia ja persoonallisia.

    And I’m not making that up. It’s all true every word of it. To see for yourself where this quote came from check this page out. So thank you to anyone who is hitting me from Pia’s pages. Drop me a line if you feel like it. And if anyone could translate the above quote I would be grateful.

    Views: 686
    Friday February 19th 1999
    This And That 6:49 am-
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    Wow what a hectic last couple of days. Its been crazy. The littlest Izer has finally sprung into the world. Of course the little tike had to be like her daddy and do stuff the hard way. You can’t get the guy do any goofing off. He always is hard at work. Nope nothing easy for him. Well the kid is just the same. But not to ruin my tough guy image, I have to admit the kid is cute as hell. And is a welcome member to the gang. Its just that I have to act responsible now that the kid is here. So I have to get my ass in gear and start doing stuff the hard way. What kind of impression can I have on a kid as a out of work smart-ass?

    I want to say thanks to the Meriter Hospital and the staff there in the neonatal field. They are a very friendly bunch and are very eager to answer any question you may have.

    I also wanted to mention the South Beloit Alumni Reunion web site again. They have a new address and every one should update their bookmarks. The new address is: http://home.hawaii.rr.com/soboalumni/. So go and look. Also sign the guest book and remind the webmaster there that my site should be listed in the links page under Sobo Alumni Personal Web Sites.

    I also want to say hi to Sarah, Pam, and Mark J. Who all have wrote asking what I have been doing with my time. I also want to say I hope poor Mark is feeling better. I also was quite surprised to see that Amanda had signed the guest book again. I am flattered that I can get this kind of response:


    “Valuable insight” she says. What a maroon.

    Views: 724
    Saturday February 20th 1999
    I Got My Link 5:26 pm-
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    Well the Sobo reunion webpage has finally put me in the links page. It really is a neat place to check up on what is going on with the whole high school reunion thing. I doubt the class of 91 reads it at all. We never had a 5 year. But if any of my fellow class of 91 peoples drop by my site let me know. This is what the Patrick Hough had to say about my site. He by the way is the webmaster of South Beloit Alumni Reunion web site.

    Hey Turk, Ok…ok…you got your link. I may be slow but I can take a hint. Cool web site. Now that I’ve visited your web site, do I have an FBI file?

    Yes you do Pat. Sorry about that. If any FBI snoops are checking up on me, why don’t you drop me a line and we can discuss J Edgar Hoover and his favorite dress. Then again do I warrant a FBI file? And more importantly well Scully be coming to ask me questions?

    Views: 791
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