I was surfing around looking for some web pages that have a kindred spirit with mine and found more than I expected. I put up the link to the www.ishouldbeworking.com website but have not got an answer back from them. They just had a feature done on them in the USA Today so I’m sure they are some busy people over there. I did get a reply from the fine folks over at www.worksnotfun.com , who will be giving me a link on their page. The one thing I do dislike about this whole trading of link thing is that the pictures (gifs to those that are net savvy) never fit in my side menu thing. I always have to resize them so they don’t mess up my delicate balance I have going on.
This is the one they label daring. But hey, I laugh in the face of danger. Of course if anyone reads this from work pretend it’s my evil doppelganger doing all of this.