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    Thursday August 19th 1999
    Blair Witch Sucked 9:08 pm-
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    I was really pissed after seeing the Blair Witch Project. I had first heard about at Blue’s News which covers games like Quake 2 and such. And those guys over at Blue’s are usually right on the money about anything. If you like First Person Games you have to check them out. Any way, they had mentioned how they saw Blair Witch in New York when it was being previewed and they said it was really good. And I read either at Blue’s or elsewhere on the net how it was kind of like a Hitchcock movie. Meaning that it didn’t show any gore like most movies these days. It scared you through the suspense as the story played out about these three college kids who were doing a documentary on this supposed Blair Witch. The kids go missing and their footage shows up a year later. It was sounding really good from what I read.

    And then there was the special the Sci-Fi channel ran which was a pseudo documentary about these kids going missing and it showed some background on the legend of the Blair Witch. The Sci-Fi special was ten times better than the movie. The movie did not explain what the Blair Witch was. It didn’t show any of the fake material the Sci-Fi show did. The Sci-Fi show had stuff on a guy from the forties that killed a bunch of kids and said the Witch made him do it. It showed some clips from a 70’s hippy occult guy who explained the back story on the Witch. Which the movie does not cover. I was really bummed. American Filmmaking has gone down the shitter.

    Which (excuse the pun) brings me to Bruce Willis’s movie The Sixth Sense. Excellent movie, no doubt about it. It did to you what Blair Witch was supposed to do. It scared you with out excessive violence and gore. Besides that, the ending will have you surprised. It blew me away. It was the kind of thing that just shocked the shit out of me. I did not see it coming.

    So there you have it. The witch sucked stick with the sense.

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