I’m out the door as soon as I finish this post, I’m off to Sycamore Illinois for about a week and then who knows? I didn’t really do much this weekend. I got to see the Izers and tried to go out drinking with my brother. But as usual the guy didn’t call me. He is embarrassed to go out drinking with me. He thinks I will make fun of him in front of his friends.
And speaking of drinking I tried to get a hold of Kevin, and had no luck. You will have to listen to this answering machine message first.
Played [drain file 38 hits] Times
Then I’ll tell you why this guy is such a putz. And don’t get the wrong idea. Me and this guy have been through a lot. I mean it as a sign of affection. He tells me in this message to give him a call. This just shows what a smart ass he is. The guy (to my knowledge) doesn’t have a phone yet. He uses his cell phone and I don’t have that number. What can you do? Hopefully we can catch up sometime this weekend and drink some brewskies.
So I’m off. As per the usual with me being out of town you can get a hold of me through the spider_jerus@hotmail.com address. I catch you all later. And let me know if you found the answering machine wav funny and I might put up some others.