Well I finally had someone sign the GuestBook from that PMOTW thing. So every one say hi to Vancezanne. Who got his “handle” from some famous artists. So check out Vancezanne. This is what he had to say:
Heya Turk, as a recent inductee into the PhenomenalMOTW, I was checking out the links to other people’s pages. A lot of them seem self-absorbed and over-important. I clicked your link cuz you seemed like a normal guy through what you wrote for your site profile. Anyhoo, I like your site, its got a very personal touch. Yes, when I visit I can tell a person has been here. Not like a lot of web pages where its all tech’d out and over-bloated in self-importance and hasn’t been updated in ages. Nice site, I like it. :) Sadly, this GuestBook is at geocities. Have you seen their revised terms of service lately? (as dictated by Yahoo! which owns geocities). I’m on a boycott, but I wanted to sign your GuestBook anyway. Take care Turk, you da man
I have tried to set up my own GuestBook and never had any luck. I don’t seem to be putting the files in the right folder on my server. So the Geocities GuestBook has to do until someone can help me figure out what I’m doing wrong. I also have to say hi to a old friend who recently sent me an e-mail. So Hi to whoever you are. I think it’s Chad, but it could also be Bret or Larry.