Hello, I am a preacher. I go around, in my spare time, and view websites all over the world wide web. My mission is for all to find God. It was not by random chance that I found your website. I have spent hours over the last two days viewing everything on your website. I read each article carefully. I feel your pain. You seem to be very bitter about your former management at your former place of employment. Turk you seem to be a pretty sad guy right now. Don’t be angry or vengeful but rather pray for their souls. You have to in essence kill them with kindness. I don’t know what your take on religion is but I want to share with you a verse from Galations. “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will receive a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” Galatians 6:7-10. Turk, I’m sure that these individuals wronged you but they’ll get what’s coming to them. What goes around comes around. You must not be hateful because there is a time and a reason for everything that has ever taken place in your life. Turk you need to let go and let God. That is all I have to say for today. I will check on you in the future. May you find God and May He be forever with you.
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