I got to say that tonight’s X-Files was pretty cool. About half through the show I had guessed that the bad guy was Krycek. It was his beady rat fuck eyes. Poor Skinner, I was just starting to like the guy. So hopefully they don’t kill him off. Which is a rumor I have heard.
On to more pressing matters such as Scully!!! What a babe. No really. Anyway if your a X-Files freak like me you’ll have to run out and pick up the new episode guide, called: Resist Or Serve:The Official Guide To The X-Files Volume Four. Long title. It is a great buy for a number of reasons. Like a very detailed plot summary of each episode that also contains dialogue and describes what the hell is exactly going on. Cool behind the scenes info as well. Some pics for you:
First one is of course the cover. The second is to me the only reason to buy this tome, an excellent picture of Scully found on page 128. She looks so good in that Maine t-shirt.