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    Wednesday December 16th 1998
    That Annoying Pop-up 3:00 am-
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    Well my host Virtual Avenue has this to say about the pop-up window you may have noticed as of late:

    Launching the pop-up banner is part of our effort to cover our cost for providing service to our customers. Since we launch our service, we have got a great support from our customers like you. However, there are quite a few customers who have insisted on not displaying our banners on their pages. If we let this situation to go on, we will not be able to continouslly improve our services.
    The pop-up banner is intended to be only displayed when our banner is not displayed on a page. When any page is loaded, our server program would check the page to see if a banner is inserted. If no banner is found, the program would pop up a banner. Because of the way it works, our server program cannot tell if the banner has been displayed in a file in another frame. This is why it would still pop-up a banner even though a banner has been displaied in one of your frames.

    We realize that this pop-up would unfortunatly hurt some of our good customers who are using frames. But we could’t find a better solution for this so far. We really apologize for it. In fact, if your viewers don’t close the pop-up banner window, but continue to do whatever they want on your site, they will only be botherred by the pop-up once. We wish this will help you to bear with us.

    As an option, you may remove our banner from your frame.

    We are sorry. Your understanding is appreciated!

    VA Support

    So I’m stuck with that pop-up. On another note Spider wanted me to remind everyone that our buddy Sergei has a game today at 7:30pm.

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