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    Wednesday November 4th 1998
    From My Favorite 3:00 am-
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    Here’s what Harpy Number Nine had to say in the GuestBook:

    There is so much for me to comment on since the last time I read your page. I told you about the housekeeper running over the adapter cord, yes/no? Anyway that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. First of all I was never offended by your drunken state. I t ink that would be the pot calling the kettle black, if I of all people made any comments on your recreational activities. I think I top the list of “Stupid mistakes people make while under the influence”. As far as the rest of that evening is concerned I o believe I let you in on my opinion. I have a tendency to ramble on and lose my train of thought, I’m not sure if that stems from my compulsion to talk or the blonde hair, anyway it is inherit. Also FYI, as a harpy I prefer to be referred to as saucy rather than as a smartass. Also for all those who question me for laughing at ‘Saving Pt.Ryan’, it was funny when his arm was blown off. As a matter of fact it would of been even better if they would of blown off his other arm at the same time he found the severed arm. Also for your viewing and reading pleasure the “guy in the fifth picture” and I are now strictly on a platonic level. Believe it or not someone as close to sub-humanity as my ex-boyfriend is, still seems to affect my judgment when dealing with hose of the opposite sex. Hey I’m not bitter I just need to play the field a little. There is more I could add but I worry about anyone who has yet to lose interest in my rambling. Until we meet again good luck, Godspeed, and may the force be with you!

    I of course would never lose interest in anything Number Nine has to say. I like the part when she said “the “guy in the fifth picture” and I are now strictly on a platonic level”. It give a poor lonely Spider hope.

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