This is what I’m always saying. This is why the Internet is so cool. You can talk with people in different countries. I have had my first visitor from afar. A lady by the name of Pia Kiuttu. Pia runs a site called PJKNFHHJK. As she explains it:
This mysterious combination of capital letters comes from the words ‘Pelvoittavien Ja Katkeroituneitten NettiFemakkoHarpyijoitten HöyryJyräKlubi’. In English this would be something like ‘The Frightening And Bitter NetFeministHarpies´ SteamRoller Club’, TFABNFHSRC. Not bad, eh?
The history, or should we say herstory, of PJKNFHHJK has its roots in the Finnish Usenet group sfnet.keskustelu.seksi (sfnet.conversation.sex). Some sharp women write their opinions and get some male nerds irritated. These males use words such as ‘bitter’, ‘feminist’ and ‘harpy’ to describe these women. So, the ladies take what the males give them, and found the SteamRollerClub.The main idea, however, is not to be extremely feminist. We collect links, texts and such that handle gender and sexuality with a new or refreshing perspective. And, although it can be hard to imagine, we support the mental welfare of both males and females. It is easier to deal with a happy man than an unhappy one.
Now most of her site is in Finnish. But she does have a page in English, in which she goes over what her site is about. It was neat just going through all of the links and seeing all of the stuff she had to offer. Pia also offered this:
Just in case you might also want to have a foreign nominee in your Harpy World… I could be a good one. I already am a Harpy, you see, with a brain and a will of my own.
So if Pia sends me a pic we have our first foreign Harpy. I just think this so neat. She definitely sounds like a very interesting women. I would love to be able to read the majority of her site. Time to get a Finnish to English dictionary.