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    Wednesday September 30th 1998
    Info And More Info 3:00 am-
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    First it is South Beloit’s homecoming week. So you tend to see lots of tp around. Well those bastards tped my car! In all actuality I was a little disappointed. You can do better than that, can’t you?

    Speaking of Sobos, I have a friend down at the school who is running his own webpage. And Brad is the one that showed me how to get my domain name. Well he has his own at www.sobos.com. Now I figured that it would be nice if my ravenous audience would all go and click the link to his page so Brad has a few more hits. Sign his guest book while you stop in and see his site. Tell him Turk sent you.

    Also a person deserving of a few more visitors is Jill. Jill is from up the road at another hotel. And she has her own webpage to. And shame on the Gman for not mentioning her site address. Go to http://www.angelfire.com/wi/jille111/ . Jill runs her page kind of like mine except she is much more politer than me. She updates it with things going on in her life. So go and hit her site. I don’t know about Jill and Brad but I love it when I see my counters have gone up quite a bit.

    Speaking of counters, I am rather anal when it comes to my stats for the site. Since the whole Fascist thing going down at work my stats and viewers have been up! If you have ever wondered about that World 1000 thing on the left in the contents it is the thing that keeps track of all the cool info. I started using it around August 17th. For the month of August I had 150 total hits. Now for the month of September I have had 407 up until today. My average hits per day since the 21st of this month is damn near 20. Just thought you might want to know.

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