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    Sunday September 20th 1998
    Password Woe 3:00 am-
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    The poor FDM and I mean it when I say that because I really like the guy. Or you can say I have yet to find anything that pisses me off about him. Whatever you people can believe. Especially since he has been having some problems with user passwords. He has changed the main password to encore. Now I don’t think this is a good thing to do. Because as far as I can guess they (encore support) use that to get in when they dial us up. The reason I even mention this is because I think the reason he changed the password is because of me.

    I don’t think he likes me being able to do the things that I can do. Like say for example being able and knowing how to issue somebody a password. Or say changing someone’s password for them if they ask me to. This, in my humble opinion, because He is the Front Desk Manager.

    And this is where his problems start. I have used the Encore computer system for over six years. That’s six. S.I.X. Six long fucking years and I have forgotten more things about encore than the FDM will ever know. Yet in the six plus years I have also learned a few really neat tricks. Some of them I tell others. Like for example: ******** was the password to sign in on encore. The cool thing about the encore sign in was that this is the password that is built into the program. That password works on every computer that has encore. It doesn’t matter where it is at. I’ve used the password at our hotel in South Beloit and I’ve used it in Beloit and Janesville also. Then there are the tricks I don’t share with anyone. Because something’s you are just best left not knowing. But its cool shit.

    The whole password thing In fact must really bother him. I say this because the old FDM has changed his password three times. I would say two of three this month alone. Now you either are really anal retentive or you just don’t like other people fucking with your passwords.

    This is the part when I make my point. If I wanted to, I could take away everyone’s access. I mean everyone. From the GM to the lowest desk clerk. I can do this even now without the encore password. I could do more things than they can possibly imagine to that computer if I wanted to. Here’s my point coming. I have in my six years been through a lot of shit. If I was going to do no good, I would have done it along time ago. I get the FDM’s password for the sole reason of being able to put his code in after I’m done with the audit if he is working that morning. I do the same with anyone else who comes in for the first shift. So I understand he is the front desk manager. And that he is in charge. If he has a problem with me I wish he would just talk to me. He is just wasting his time trying to change the password every time he does. I can’t be stopped. That’s just the way it is (that was sarcasm). So if he has a problem I really wish he would talk to me. Nuff said as Stan Lee puts it.

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