I came home today to just write about how nice Sherry is for checking out the site. (And even though she said my bit on Sarah’s injury was tasteful she’s a nice person). But that just wasn’t simple enough for the Thorpe Boys. These crazy sons-a-bitches they had to go and be creative in the GuestBook. you guys can’t be going around and upstaging me like that. These guys are crazy! the funny part is that I was just thinking at work this morning that we need to come up with a kind of liberation front name like The Peoples Hotel Liberation Party Of Fanatic Intelligent Men. So that would be the P.H.L.P.O.F.I.M. It just doesn’t work. Which brings me to my point. Yes I have a point. You hecklers in the peanut gallery can be quiet.
Here is Jarred, Scott’s brother upstaging me:
“Mad!Mad-that’s what they call me. It’s true I am nervous. Very dreadfully nervous. But why do they say I am mad? That fever I had last year-it just sharpened my senses-not destroyed them. Above all, my sense of hearing became the sharpest of all my senses. I heard things in Heaven and on Earth. I even heard many things in Hell. How then, am I mad?”-The Tell-tale Heart–Edgar Allen Poe
Such was the quote I was trying to write when I fucked up by hitting the wrong button. I hate fucking computers. I hear you are quite an educated man. Truly the Holiday Inn is no place for anyone above a simple-minded fool such as Wade. From what I hear, he could use a good ass-kicking and I would be more than happy to oblige. His day will come. The hour draws nigh. And soon, he will feel the wrath which will befall his stupid-ass. Until then, the numbers against him grow. Welcome to the brotherhood of E.A.W.(Employees Against Wade).
And of course not to be out done by his little brother, Scott goes on and also may I say very creatively to upstage me:
The following comes from Webster’s dictionary and is strictly for your viewing pleasure. Wade- 1.to step in or through a medium as water offering more resistance than air. 2.to move or proceed with difficulty or labor. 3. to be an overly dense asshole who still lives at home. Fucking pussy! (Definition #3 is not in Webster’s, but rather the Definitive arrangements of the devious mind of Scott. Your website is awesome. When you get those pictures of Ericka’s 21st you will definitely have to update the site . Even though you don’t like Dickens, I will leave you with this: “It is a finer thing I do now then I have ever done before” A Tale of two cities. Until next time, “Hasta luego amigo!”
Now I’m only going to say this once. You boys really have to put a stop to this shit. I mean it! We can’t have me looking low-brow. Shame on you guys.
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