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My mom just called me, and offered me a gig as a General Manager. She works for a company called AmeriHost. She says that its a great company to work for. Its a property in Sycamore IL. Mom says the pay is 25,000. And I really am kind of afraid. I have never been in charge of employees. I to be honest have a bad time with fellow employees anyway.
I have a few problems about this. One, I don’t know anything about this company called AmeriHost. Its been my opinion that all of the companies that have owned the HI have all started like they are the greatest thing on the face of the planet. Not to many of them turned out that way in the long run. Two, its to damned far away. I don’t want to drive to work that long distance every day.
The third problem is that it just shows that my mom just doesn’t know me at all. I can honestly say I am not GM material. And know that we got a top manager reading this page, I’m sure he can back me on this. And as much as I bash our GM, I admire that he has the balls to do it. That could be another reason why I wouldn’t take this job. I have seen the kind of hoops our GM has had to jump through for our owners. I couldn’t do it.