I had a chat with the Assistant General Manager last night. She was mad because she was up for a job with the parent company and was not even asked about it, let alone the chance of an interview for the position. She was very pissed about this. Going as far as to say she’s had it with those fucking Fishmen.
I would feel sorry for her if it wasn’t against my fuck-you attitude. I’m sorry, Shit happens. As I recall I wasn’t asked to be Frontdesk Manager. Life’s a bitch some times. Get over or get a fuck-you attitude like mine. Goddamn fucking whining stupid bitch. Sorry there folks my supply of Prozac ran out early this morning. Or as an old buddy of mine would say “Your what hurts?”
And in protest She’s looking for another job. Once more I would recommend a fuck-you attitude. Don’t get even, get really mad and break shit.