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    Friday April 24th 1998
    Maintenance Tales-Part One 3:00 am-
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    I had a interesting talk with a few of the guys from the Engineering dept. Mark E. was telling about one of his co-workers who he was being very mean to. Now up till now I really hadn’t come up with an opinion of Mark E. I was kinda thinking he might be a little bit of a prick. I want to tell everyone who may ever cross this website I stand corrected. Mark E. is not a prick, he is a down right vicious mean spirited cruel bastard. And I admire all of those qualities.

    It fills faster.

    Mark E. was telling me how he got a co-worker who I won’t name. But is named after one of the Three Stooges. And its not Moe, Curly, Shemp, or Joe. First he told me that he had talked this guy into vacuuming the whirlpool. Now I guessed that vacuuming the whirlpool was something you don’t do. This was never said by Mark E. but I figured the way he was busting a gut about it that has to wrong to do this. And the guy in question is no brain scientist, so I could appreciate the humor.

    The best part of this whole long winded story is what Mark E. had this dip shit do awhile ago. I guess this one day they had drained the pool to clean it. And they were in the process of re-filling the pool. The dip shit was hanging around and probably bothering them. So Mark E. tells him that if he stands in front of the 8.6 marker in the pool that the water will fill up faster. The moron goes over to where he’s all most on top of the 8 foot 6 inches markings on the wall of the pool and positions himself over it. He watches the water go in the pool for awhile and comes back over to where Mark E. is. “Wow. Your right it does go in faster when you stand there.” He tells them.

    And I know that you guys are now Engineering. But Engineering Tales just doesn’t have the same ring to it as Maintenance Tales. So tough shit. Next time I do a Maintenance Tales I would like one of you engineers to write it. We will see.

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