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  • Wednesday February 11th 1998
    First Concern™ 3:00 am-
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    Have I ever mentioned that my work place is hell? Well it is. I get there late, of course. I didn’t care. We had a fair size group coming in. So I was working alone from say 3:15 to 5:00ish. Now the phone rings off the hook, so it makes checking in people hard when you have to answer the phone every second. I would put people on hold and wait to finish checking in people. The accountant and the gm’s secretary try to help. But I think they only get in the way. The only one that stays out of my way when we are busy is the night mod. And that’s only because he’s been there a while. The accountant has been here longer but she tries to help to much. same goes for the gm’s secretary.

    The other problem I have with second shift is the fact I’m used to being there alone on third shift. No annoying guests to bother you. No annoying managers. Just me and the security guard. You see I can’t handle the guests. When they ask a stupid question I want to smack them one. I want to tell them where to go. But I also bite my tongue on third shift because there is generally less of the guests to deal with. That is not the way it is on a busy second shift. The pesky guests are all over the hotel. And they keep coming in.

    Which brings me to another point. When we got bought by the new company that runs us now, we (the peons) thought they were great people running the show. They have a glamorous feel to them. And the first year it seemed they gave a shit. After that initial year was up they lost their glamorous feel and took on more of a weasel like appearance. (The definition of weasel by the way is this: any small carnivore of the genus Mustela, of the family Mustelindae, having a long, slender body and feeding chiefly on small rodents.) And they certainly consider us small rodents. I now come to First Concern™. First Concern™ was a big thing that every employee had to go to. Several classes we all had to attend. You were supposed to have your First Concern™ button on at all times. The management (weasels) pick an employee at random and if they had on their First Concern™ button they were given $20.00 bucks. No one to my knowledge ever got the $20.00 bucks for there First Concern™ button. The guests were are First Concern™. Notice I say were, as in past tense.

    I guess the whole point of this rant is this, if we are going to make the guests are First Concern, then the weasels should work on better scheduling.

    Views: 1,451
    February 1998
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